Bow Valley College: Gaining New Insights About Yourself & Your Clients About Money
When you’re teaching college students who are studying to become financial planners, it’s key to show the connection between their own money attitudes and habits and those of their clients. Financial Educator and Planner Alan Frank with Bow Valley College in Calgary, Canada used Money Habitudes in his classes to prepare students – and private clients – for understanding how they personally see money and how that may influence the advice they offer.
Using Money Habitudes in his 1-2-hour workshops and with his private clients, Frank was able to:
- Help people focus on how they see money and how they use it.
- Present an activity in a relevant format in a fun environment so people open up without being threatened by money talk.
- Provide a non-judgmental way to uncover clients’ attitudes about money.
- Enable couples to see the others’ point of view about money and more easily discuss their differences.
- Promote outside-of-class discussions about financial habits.
How They Use Money Habitudes
- Seminars are typically comprised of 30 people, but smaller groups are preferred.
- Students/attendees often keep their decks of Money Habitudes cards so they can share the exercise with a partner.
- In working with couples, discussions begin by talking about what’s important to one another and understanding where each person is coming from.